Whittlesford Out of School Club is registered with Ofsted and inspected by Ofsted (Registration No- EY547274 ), as we have recently changed to a CIO status this means we have to re inspected by ofsted so our previous outstanding rating is no longer valid, you can however still see the reports from our old registration number by searching for whittlesford out of school club.We are based in William Westley Primary School. The club is open from 7:30am – 8:55am and then again 3:20pm until 6:00pm weekdays, during term time. We also offer holiday care from 8:00am to 6:00pm or you can book for a school day 8:30am – 3:30pm, or half days 8-1pm or 1pm-6pm.
We are based at William Westley Primary School in the small hall. We are very lucky to be able to use the school outside areas and have free flow in place so the children are able to access the front outside area at all times. We also takes visits to the local park and other local areas. We also have an all-weather area that has a mud kitchen and planting area and woodwork corner.
WOSC is an independent charity (Charity no. 1164607) which is run by a committee of parents.