Booking forms

Breakfast & After School Club
Deadline for Sept-Oct 2024 booking form is 8th July @23:59

Sept-Oct 2024 term time booking form

Holiday Club
Deadline for Summer holiday club is 10th June @23:59

Summer Holiday Club booking form 2024

Holiday Club Activity Planners

Summer Holiday Club 2024 planner

*Please Note* 
 Prices for breakfast club remain at £5 for each breakfast club session and each

after school club sessions will be increased to £14 from June 2024.

Registration and permission forms required for Sept bookings


Privacy Notice (GDPR)

Privacy Notice (GDPR)

Booking Dates

WOSC Booking Dates 2022 – 2023
Subject to change – see booking emails for updates.

Form Released Booking Deadline Booking period
26.06.23 10.07.23 Sept-Oct Term Time 2023
04.09.23 – 20.10.23
218.09.23 02.10.23 October Holiday Club
23.10.23 – 27.10.23
25.09.23 09.10.23 Nov-Dec Term Time
30.10.23 – 20.12.23
27.11.23 11.12.23 Jan – Feb term time
04.01.24 – 16.02.24
15.01.24 29.01.24 February Holiday Club
19.02.24 – 16.02.24
22.01.24 05.02.24 Feb – Mar term time
26.02-24 – 28.03.24
26.02.24 11.03.24 Easter Holiday Club
29.03.24 – 15.04.24
11.03.24 25.03.24 Apr – May term time
16.04.24 – 24.05.24
22.04.24 06.05.24 May Holiday Club
27.05.24 – 31.05.24
29.04.24 13.05.24 June – July Term Time
03.06.24 – 19.07.24
22.05.24 10.06.24 Summer Holiday Club
22.07.24 – 03.09.24
24.06.24 08.07.24 Sept – Oct Term Time 2024

More Info

Full details about the club are in the parent information pack.